We’re still here to support you during the holidays.

See our adjusted holiday schedule


Community Supporters

Making a Difference Together

We couldn’t do this work without the incredible support of our community. Thank you to the many people and community supporters who share their time, effort, and resources with our organization. Because of supporters like you, we are able to walk alongside individuals, families, and communities on their journeys to strengthen their wellbeing and mental health. Your donations are and will always be so greatly appreciated.

We celebrate each and every one of our supporters!

Major Foundation and Granting Partners

Corporate Supporters

Allianz Global Assistance 

Cambridge Centre Honda

Civitan Apartments KW

Colour Paradise

Conestoga Mall

Cook Homes 

Co-Operators General Insurance Company

Cowan Insurance Group Ltd. 

Crosby Auto Family

Enbridge Gas 

Equitable Life of Canada

Farm Mutual Reinsurance Plan Inc.

Four Fathers Brewing Company 

GDI Services (Canada) LP 


Google Community Grants Fund - TIDES

Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP 

Grant Thornton LLP

Hallman Construction Ltd

H.L. Staebler Insurance Company



IG Wealth Management 


Josslin Insurance

MacDonald Steel


M&T Printing

Original  Joe's

Paul Puncher Men's Clothier

Piller's Fine Foods

Price Health

Rae & Lipskie Investment Counsel

Raymond James

Risolv IT Solutions Ltd.

RONA + Waterloo West

TD Canada Trust

Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc.

Transport Financial Services

Turkstra Lumber Fund

Your Neighbourhood Credit Union    

Major Gift-In-Kind Contributors

MacKay CEO Forums

Massey Centre For Women