Adult Quick Response
Adult Quick Response counselling is available for anyone experiencing situational, mild, or moderate challenges that could use urgent or timely support by trained mental health staff.
Our Quick Response services are provided through funded and fee for service options to ensure everyone can access the support they need regardless of financial means. Whether you have benefits that will cover your costs or could use some financial support, Quick Response is for you.
In-Person Sessions
We are open 5 days a week at our 400 Queen St S location in Kitchener.
Monday to Thursday from 9:00am–6:00pm
Friday from 9:00am–3:00pm
Phone or Virtual Sessions
Call (519) 743-6333.

Child & Youth Quick Response
We offer fully funded and confidential single-session counselling and therapeutic conversations for children and youth (up to age 17) in person, virtually, or by phone.
This service is available to:
- Parents/caregivers of a child or youth under 18 years old
- Young people 12-17 years old - They can attend on their own or with a parent/caregiver/ support person)
- Children under the age of 12 years with their parents/caregivers – We recommend starting with a session with just parents/caregivers for younger children
In-Person Sessions
Quick Response sessions are available by dropping in at 480 Charles St, Kitchener.
Monday to Thursday from 12:00pm–6:00pm
Friday from 12:00pm–3:00pm
To Pre-schedule a Session
Call (519) 743-6333.
Family Violence Project
If you’re experiencing family violence, visit our 400 Queen Street South location and connect with the Family Violence Project (FVP) through our intake and counselling teams. For more information about FVP please visit the website at www.familyviolenceprojectwr.ca.